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Storm Siren Update

In case you were unaware, the Town of Coyle's storm siren is undergoing repairs. We are working with Goddard Sirens to make the necessary repairs, but it has taken a bit longer than anticipated. Rest assured we are staying on top of it, and it will be repaired in short order.

In the meantime, in an effort to alert our community to impending severe weather, Coyle Emergency Management, along with the Coyle Fire Depeartment, will drive through town with our lights and sirens on. If you hear emergency vehicles driving through town with their sirens blaring during inclement weather, that is your warning to take your necessary severe weather precautions. The Emergency Vehicles will also be accompanied by a Text Message Alert to your cell phone for those of you signed up for text alerts.

It is storm season in Oklahoma, and the Coyle Department of Emergency Management encourages you to start your storm season preparation if you have not already done so. Designate a safe area in your home where you can take shelter if necessary. This should be a centrally located area of your home with no windows or glass, or perhaps a storm cellar if you have one. If you live in a mobile home, you should locate the closest storm shelter you can access with relative ease. Put together a backpack with a change of clothes, some bottled water, and any medication you might need, along with a list of emergency contacts.

For more information on storm preparedness, hit the Contact Us button at the top of the Coyle home page or stop into Town Hall any time you see the EM truck in the parking lot. Dusty will be more than happy to help you in any way he can.

As always, Be safe,
Coyle Office of Emergency Management